Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Echos of a soul

That personality is a transient by nature, not materialistic, existing for the moment. These people do it for the love of it, they need to keep moving, dreaming, living just for this day, tomorrow comes tomorrow.

I really don't think I've found my place in the world yet, I'm just on the road till I get there.

Trite and Meaningless

That's how I feel about my life some days, when I'm not thinking clearly of course.

There have been times when I wondered if I was pissing my life away, I'm not, I'm doing what I want to do, so I can't bitch.

I hate being tied down anyway, I like to keep moving, always.

I have tried a normal life a few times though, the end result was always the same, I got bored, started fucking shit up, lost momentum.
-0---- i am not the only one. 
I have had love, so strong it's ridiculous. I know it's pain... so much that doesn't make sense. I know joy that makes you wish you could convey it to someone. And sorrow that makes you loose any hope in your soul. 
I met a man here recently who was just like me. Both hurt and lonely, we talked about what we had lost and morned. We helped each other. True, genuine, and transient by nature. That is what we sheared. From the moment i saw his smile, i knew him. He knew me. We clung to each other knowing it would be for today, knowing our tomorrows were so unstable. We made plans, but we are the same. We never know. I left him first, then returned. He had to go then. He is gone now, but i will see him again and smile. 
He understood. 
So do I.

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