Saturday, June 26, 2010

Poor little Herman!

Sense the beginning, we knew the whole deal was kinda shady. We adopted Herman from the wreckage yard with hopes of giving him a better life and family. Well, we ran into some minored problems and hand some issues with the title, transfer of ownership and such.

Now that I'm back in Savannah trying to put him back together and he is close to complete recovery, one sad day, a man walks into my store... a look of suspicion on his face. The word had got around that a young VW owner worked at this little gas station in a dark part of downtown Savannah (that owner would be me).

His name was Tom.. He's always had busses like Herman until his little one went missing one day... about three years or so ago. It crushed him. He hasn't owned another bus sense.

the mystery of Herman's real parents is one that will probably continue for a long time, if not forever... but this young man is dedicated to finding his little baby. Whether his baby and my little buddy are the same in fact 1970 VW Westy, is truly unknown.

Whatever it takes, he's my little life line i feel like. He's a big part of my life, and I've lost everything else dear to me except for my little buddy and Sal (Gibson j-200). We're going to stick together. No matter what that means.

I look outside sometimes and it seems like little Herman is sad... staring off, almost crying sometimes. I can tell he misses his old friends and wonders about his family. This is a hurt both he and I, shear. It seems weird, but it comforts me to know he understands how i feel, and I understand him. It's funny how sadness can bring two friends together.

I hope to one day again soon be bound by adventure and the wide eyes that we would both shear at what the world had in store for us; but for now, we just sit in the grass together, remember, and maybe let a tear or two fall only where the two of us can see it.

I'm going back to Greenville SC this weekend to relive some old memories and hopefully find closure and healing. I don't know what i'll get into, but Herman will be staying behind. I regret that he can't go. It will be my first trip without him. But he understands.

Life gives us opportunities, and obstacles to hopefully build us up and lead us to the end stronger than we were when we got here.
I love it's crazy twists and turns... even when it's miserable, and i'm freaking out becasue its hard to see what's going on, with each blind curve, I'm just learning more to becontent and just ride. Foccus on what is important, what i can change, and let the rest fall into place.
All We Need is Love.

Friday, June 4, 2010

couch surfing? Absolutely!

For all you travlers, this is lagit! check it out! You have to sign up and become a member to really check it out, but I sugest giving it a look. I thought it was pretty awesome and have talked to some firends that have done this and raved about it. I'm gonna give it a shot in the next few months. Let me know what you think and if you have done this, please leave your fb and let us know what you thought about the experience.

May we live life and travel well.
Much love people.