Saturday, September 25, 2010

in a flash

Some pictures are always with us. Whether we look at them everyday, or turn them over on the night stand; they are still sitting there. . Even as the dust collects and years pass, We will never remove them from their place of honor. As years pass, we may only still move them to that shoe box. You know the one. We all have that box. Our boyfriends don't know where it is, our families never ask. But that memory is apart of who we are.

My box is now at my grandpa's house in Georgia, where it is easily forgotten, but on those nights i have to much time to think about my life, i know i still have those things and they will be safe there. I feel that way about this past year. There are a lot of things that happened i'm glad i don't have pictures of. And i won't be ready to tell the truth about for a long time. And really, no one wants to hear that part of the story. We all already know the moral....

"Don't do drugs!". lol

I'm looking back into the pictures i have all over my bus, who i am, and where i'm going now. I don't know where i'm giong other than west and the open road. I think i know a lot more about myself than last year, and i finally put the pictures in the box. I'm going to leaven them behind here in Georgia. Some things need to be left behind.

That's what I'm hoping this next year will be. I can't believe it's been almost eight months that i've been grounded here in Georgia. But I'm so excited about getting back on the road!

Herman is better than ever, and i'm going with some dear friends. I'll tell you more about that when it gets closer. For now, i'm learning how to just be.

I got my first tattoo before i hit the road almost two years ago. I just got my second. I'm going to get a few more before i leave. But the second is about letting things go and being free. I'm sure you'll see it come up in pictures over our trip.