Thursday, February 25, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

A few stories, friends, and Going to NY!

It feels like forever sense I’ve updated this blog and so much has happened. There are so many crazy stories that I want to shear with you.

Like the time we left Anderson SC before we headed up here to Tony’s in Siler City NC, and decided to go camping. It was so much fun, but I had watched ‘Jason” for the first time ever and was so freaked out. On our way up into the mountains our breaks went out on the buss. That was crazy. Thank God John is so resourceful (or insane, I don’t know witch) that he fixed our emergency break and we were able to get to our next destination on that. Now looking back, it was a fun adventure, but definitely not very safe. But what do you do? We were all the way out in the woods with nothing, no phone, and no one to call even if we could find someone. So you fix it, deal with it, and do what you have to do. I enjoyed that trip very much. I almost caught a fish! It was funny though, never really having been in that situation before, after watching that horror movie about camping in the woods that week, there we were; really stuck in the woods! I’m normally not the jumpy type, but I was freaked the heck out!

We have met so many wonderful people on the road, and now that we’ve lighted for a few months in one place, I’m longing to get to Tennessee where we can stay for a while. I’ll miss the freedom I’m sure, but I’m excited to see where the next bend will take us. John wants a dog, and I’m excited to be getting a house soon.
We have been doing a little recording here in Siler City and I’m also eager to shear that with you guys.
Among the great people here is a Bahai family we’ve met. Mina and her family have become dear friends of ours and I am so thankful we met them.
I will probably never forget the adventure we had in Pittsboro NC when just me and Mina were out for a drive and decided to check out the local grave yard that night. It was horrifying! I could swear we saw a grimlon jump out from behind the tomb stone! She grabbed my arm and screeched, “look at that!”. I quickly assured her it was a rabbit and hurried out of there. Corse when we recapped our story to John I told him it was the ugliest little critter I had ever seen; to witch Mina replied, “You lied to me!” Of coarse I did! It was so funny, but she now refuses to go back. I’m in no hurry either; though I may try again someday before we leave.

Our next little adventure is whit Mina this coming weekend. We will be going to New York City. I’m excited, and of course, John hopes to be able to play some poker games if we end up having the money.

We have just started to settle in a bit and I have enjoyed the quiet of being still for a few months. The acreage here is beautiful and our walks down by the river on the property seemed to have calmed our nerves in a lot of ways. I will miss this place, this town.
We went Contra dancing this past weekend. It was Johns first time and he really enjoyed it! I’m so glad he did. He’ll be going back with me! So life is just a little calmer now. I’m enjoying it because it is all about to change again next month. I’ll be glad to be back in Tennessee though.